Event Management Software Systems You Can Grow With

Virtually every event management system
we've created is designed to either help you increase your sales, or
reduce your administrative costs. In many cases, our systems will do
both. For instance, the Automated
Event Email "Drip" System can
be used to send a sequence of emails to your attendees automatically
based on a schedule you create weeks, months or even years in advance.
Using special "email merge tags," the
specific event details such as date, location, venue and webmap, can
all be dynamically inserted into emails which are otherwise generic but
appropriate for the event type. When used effectively, this system will
guarantee lower
no-show rates, better informed attendees, increased
customer retention and reduced customer
support calls.
More people in your rooms will increase
your sales .
support calls will decrease
your administrative costs .

Costs |
Before You Proceed
If your organization is in its early stages with small numbers of staff
and you feel that our array of systems might exceed your
present needs, please download and read our free
report to discover how valuable
Signup Systems will be by understanding the potential costs of starting out without software
you can grow into.
And since all the systems below are available by default with every Signup
Systems installation, you do not need to use all of them at the beginning
in order to experience all of the benefits, which far exceed the costs.
Please note: Signup Systems software is accessed entirely
using a web-browser so you can manage your business at any time, from anywhere
in the world. Learn more about the benefits of a Signup
Systems Installation.
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Marketing, Communications & Sales Systems
At Signup Systems we believe the success of
event management companies starts with excellent marketing. No one profits
if you create the best training programs and courses but nobody attends
because you've been unable to put "butts in chairs," because no
one has heard about the programs. As a result
of the importance we place on marketing, we have created many systems designed
specifically to help your marketing communications, marketing research,
and marketing decision-making (If you haven't already, you really
should read our free
report that contains insider secrets to marketing and sales strategies
specific to the event management industry).
For example, using Marketing Campaign Tracking & Sales Statistics you can target a number of different landing pages with signup forms or shopping cart offers and quickly discover which headlines, what marketing copy, and which offers are the most compelling and generate the most sales.
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- Automated Event Email "Drip" System -
Systems to Increase Sales &
Systems to Decrease Costs
- Automate the vast majority of your pre-event email communications to
attendees using a system that functions like an autoresponder sequence
but counts down to the event start date. Increase customer retention,
reduce no-show rates, and ensure your customers are well informed
about their upcoming events—all automatically!
- create email sequences for each different course type which automatically gets applied to new events you schedule
- schedule emails on specific days leading up to the event start date,
to automatically remind attendees about their upcoming course
- automatically send emails to pre-sell and up-sell additional courses and products
- send "keep 'em hot" emails to remind registrants of the benefits
of your programs when they are booked long in advance of attending
- use "confirmation" system with Event Email Drips to ensure your
attendees get your final event information email—and know exactly
which registrants have received the emails so you can concentrate
administrative efforts on those who have not received the information
- use email merge tags to automatically insert specific event information
- full reporting of emails sent and those scheduled to be sent for all events,
or on an event-by-event basis
- schedule post-event emails to automate "follow up" communications for graduates
- use Event Email system to broadcast to attendees by "Attendee State" such
as "Guest," "Volunteering" and "Waiting List"
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- Opt-In & User Account Signup Forms -
Systems to Increase Sales &
Systems to Decrease Costs
- Capture your potential customers' contact
information on your public website so you can develop relationships with
them over time until they are ready to purchase from you.
- create verified (double) opt-in signup forms requesting as little as first
name and email address only or requesting as much as all standard
contact information plus gender and birth date
- you have complete control over all signup form landing pages and verification
request emails
- create user account signup forms so your customers can later log into various Signup Systems services without having to retype their contact information
- you have complete control over display and graphics so forms can fully integrate with your website design
- easily embed signup forms on any web page using special codes or full
HTML, both of which are provided for you to copy and paste
- use signup forms to trigger autoresponders that automatically
send your customers emails
- signup form statistics are tracked so you can enhance your marketing communications
- signup form links provided for you to email to your existing database, or for you to provide to advertisers or joint ventures
- signup forms allow marketing campaign tracking so new signups can be permanently associated with a marketing effort
- referral program link tracking to ensure your referrals are associated
with the customers they send to you that sign up
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- Autoresponder Email Sequences -
Systems to Increase Sales &
Systems to Decrease Costs
- Automatically send sequences of marketing emails you
create in advance to anyone filling out a signup form so that you can
automatically educate and inform your customers about your services and
products until they are ready to purchase.
- create reusable HTML and/or text emails with email merge fields to populate live contact information upon sending
- build an unlimited number of sequential autoresponders using an unlimited number of emails up to 999 days into the future
- assign autoresponder sequences to lists and then populate those lists using signup forms
- use admin list tools to send a group of people a sequence all starting on the same day
- modify live autoresponders on the fly and only cause new sequence emails to be sent to appropriate subscribers
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- Email Broadcast System -
Systems to Decrease Costs
- Generate lists of people in your database, such as lists of graduates,
of people from a specific city, or of only male subscribers, etc. and
then broadcast an email to them for administrative or marketing purposes.
- schedule broadcasts to take place at any time in the future, even months
or a years in advance
- security roles ensure only authorized staff can perform broadcasting
- use broadcast approval system to ensure emails go to correct lists,
are proof read and link tested before sending to your database
- broadcast history report indicates which emails have been sent and to how many people
- your emails are sent from a dedicated email server ensuring highest possible delivery rates and reliability
- hourly broadcast report emailed automatically to designated communications staff
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- Marketing Campaign Tracking & Sales Statistics -
Systems to Increase Sales &
Systems to Decrease Costs
- Track customer acquisition and sales for your marketing campaigns using click-through statistics and conversion rates to refine and improve your ROI from advertising or joint ventures.
- create marketing campaigns with multiple parts so advertising campaigns across several media can be tracked independently and collectively as part of an overall campaign
- test multiple landing pages to determine most effective conversion and sales rates before expanding scale of campaign
- use automatically generated campaign links to track clickthrough rates both for inbound or outbound marketing efforts or joint ventures
- when combined with signup forms, campaign tracking is performed automatically as new people signup or make purchases
- combine both campaign and referral tracking to allow your referral program members to contribute within the context of a special marketing campaign
- associate individual campaign parts with joint venture partners, then
broadcast promotional emails directly from campaign system
- use up-to-the-minute sales statistics for each campaign
with clickthrough and lead conversion rates to refine or
expand successful marketing efforts
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- Referral Link Tracking -
Systems to Increase Sales &
Systems to Decrease Costs
- Empower your customers and strategic partners with referral links that tell you who referred customers into your database, and optionally, which marketing campaign they belong to.
- public website support for sign ups into your referral program including creation of unique referral phrases and referral program agreement acceptance
- use the broadcast email system and email merge tags to send referral tracking links to anyone in your database that is willing to refer new customers to you
- pull reports on number of referrals, referral sales, and numbers of attendance
records generated by customers referred into your database
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- CAN-SPAM Compliant Unsubscribe System -
to Decrease Costs
- Use our built-in "Unsubscribe" page to ensure your customers
can remove themselves from your email communications if they choose, providing
you with instant compliance with CAN-SPAM Unsubscribe laws.
- use our default email footers to ensure a link to your unsubscribe page is displayed on every email sent from Signup Systems
- three levels of unsubscribe to allow your customers to remove themselves from autoresponder lists, only accept critical emails, or completely unsubscribe themselves from your system
- unsubscribe status displayed on primary customer contact page so your organization can avoid contacting customer by phone or other means while still maintaining record of them in your database
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Event Sales & Support Systems
The biggest mistake training
companies make when choosing software to run their business is believing that
standard e-commerce software used by companies that sell physical products
online can somehow be modified or massaged into software suitable for event
management needs. Only software designed from the ground up with specific
event management needs in mind will truly support your growing business
or capture your current business accurately. Signup Systems was initially
created to manage one of the largest personal development
companies in the world and has been used since 2003 to capture registrations
and manage event based sales for hundreds of thousand of attendees around
the world. The systems below were all built with your needs in mind.
For example, our Event Calendaring system allows you to display upcoming
events dynamically indicating whether or not the events are sold out and how
many seats remain. It will then provide a link to register if
appropriate. But because we know that you may want to fill up events
happening next month before selling into events for next year, you
can create calendars that only allow signups into specific upcoming events
even while showing event dates well into the future.
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- Event Calendars -
Systems to Increase Sales &
Systems to Decrease Costs
- Our Event Calendaring system is extremely powerful and provides you
complete control over visual and graphic layout. Calendars are created
in the database to show upcoming scheduled events and can be filtered
by event type, by groups of event types, by location, and even by country
and state/province.
- take registrations online directly into specific events
- display distant future events but restricting registrations to them while
seats remain in earlier scheduled courses
- display the number of seats remaining to establish urgency for nearly sold out events
- provide web map links for your venues and hotel and booking info for
each event to minimize support calls from registrants
- automatically embed event calendars in your emails using simple email merge tags
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- Database Supported Course & Product Catalogs -
Systems to Increase Sales &
Systems to Decrease Costs
- Store your event and product descriptions in the database so they can easily be displayed throughout your website using a single link or as part of your shopping cart catalog.
- sell course credits which customers can schedule into specific event dates during checkout
- use single links in emails or anywhere on your website to sell seats for specific events
- updating database course and product descriptions automatically updates
existing catalog pages
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- Multi-Currency, Multi-Domain Shopping Cart -
Systems to Increase Sales
- Use the shopping cart system
to sell your courses and products in any currency you accept
- use different domain names to sell in different
currencies, i.e. www.yourcompany.com
and www.yourcompany.ca for US & Canadian dollar shopping carts.
- use shopping cart tax handling to ensure compliance with appropriate
tax laws
- use different domains to sell your courses with all
data centralized in your Signup Systems database
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- Password Protected Special Offers -
Systems to Increase Sales
- Sell your courses in packages or sell single courses at discount pricing
using the Offer System, while also using passwords and/or expiry dates
so that only those with the proper "code" can buy them.
- use passwords and expiry
dates to provide special pricing or offers for select groups
- use with printed coupons or gift certificates only available
to customers with "unlock
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- Attendee Registration Support Pages -
Systems to Decrease Costs
- Use our
"Registration Options" page where attendees are able to perform
a number of actions that they might otherwise need to contact your company
directly to perform, which then will reduces the costs associated
with administering your events.
- allow attendees holding multiple seats on behalf of family and friends
to reassign those seats to their guests so your office
staff won't have to perform this action manually
- allow attendees to issue or reissue your event specific "final confirmation
email" so they can arrive on time and be better prepared for your
- allow attendees, when appropriate, to transfer their registration to
later event dates
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- Attendance Reports by Email -
Systems to Decrease Costs
- When used to inform your marketing
efforts, these attendance reports can help you focus
on increasing enrollment for events which are under-performing and properly
plan staffing, event support and costs for your live events based on current registrations.
- receive twice per day automated attendance reports by email
- reports sent to private list of recipients established by your organization
- use special estimating logic to convert actual attendance numbers into likely turn-out rates factoring in no-show probabilities
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- Graduates-Only Web Pages -
Systems to Increase Sales &
Systems to Decrease Costs
- Create special sections of your website only accessible by graduates of
a course so that you can provide opportunity and reasons for customers
to return to your website repeatedly which will increase
customer loyalty and provide new opportunities to up-sell.
- create graduate website sections for each of your different courses
- username and password protected graduate pages ensure that only graduates can access private materials
- use nested graduate pages for progressive course levels
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Event Management Admin Systems
These applications represent an interface between
your administration of events and the actual events themselves. Use these
scripts to predict how many people will attend, what kind
of sales you can expect to make when offering your back end
courses, and what the total revenue is likely to be. Print
name tags, produce registration rosters, and create special attention
lists for attendees. When used effectively, these systems will help
you make informed decisions, save money in administrative costs,
and generate higher turn out rates of well prepared attendees.
For example, the Final Confirmation Email Automation System allows you to
send an email containing all the relevant details your attendees need to know
in order to show up well prepared. Not only can the sending of this email
be done automatically, a report will tell you exactly how many people have
received it so you can concentrate your administrative efforts on contacting
those who have not.
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- Event Creation & Management Tools -
Systems to Decrease Costs
- Create course or training "types" in the Product Database and
then schedule an unlimited number of dates for each event type. You can then
manage your events individually with an array of tools and reports.
- schedule events in the system and choose venues, locations, room capacities, start and end dates, and whether or not waiting lists are available
- use default event presets to simplify and speed up event scheduling and creation
- use the "Vague Date" value to communicate general time or season
of upcoming events until specific event dates are nailed down for
instance, show "Summer 2012" on event calendars until the venue
contract has been signed
- use event import tools to import all your past events or to quickly import your entire schedule of upcoming events from a spreadsheet
- use our special 'at event' registration tools to "check in" attendees
as they arrive to produce definitive "in attendance" lists
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- Attendee Registration Reports -
Systems to Increase Sales &
Systems to Decrease Costs
- There are many different types of attendee related reports that you
can use to ensure your business is managed efficiently.
Get reports of past "Graduates" and get upcoming event reports
with expected revenue. Generate attendee registration reports for producing
name tags, confirming payment and projecting 'at event' sales.
- use event attendee "states" to track registrant enrollment from initial registration, to confirmation of status and finally to graduated status upon course completion
- pull reports of all upcoming events showing capacity, number of attendees, and estimated turn outs based on no-show estimates
- for those with the appropriate security role, attendance reports can even show amounts of money collected for upcoming courses, amounts still due, and percentage of total attendees who have paid in full
- get reports in HTML or on spreadsheets of attendees for any or all of
your courses, whether past or future, based on state or time period.
- pull lists of all attendees scheduled for the future
or pull lists of graduates from all courses
- export your lists to further refine them or to find people from specific
cities, states or countries, and then re-import your refined lists
for broadcast emailing or other business functions
- following your events, use attendee registration reports to perform mass
state changes converting those who attended to "graduated," and
those who didn't attend to "no show" so that permanent records
are kept and so that financial accounting logic ensures revenue
is properly tracked
- use our "Reg List" report prior to your event to collect all relevant attendee information in a single place for the purpose of event planning, accounting, name tag generating, and at-event sales forecasting
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- Final Confirmation Email Automation -
Systems to Decrease Costs
- If your organization uses some kind of "final confirmation" email
for attendees that summarizes pertinent details of an event
to ensure they arrive on time and are properly prepared, you will love this
system! It not only helps automate the sending of this email, but will
tell you which of your attendees have actually received the final confirmation
and which have not. Properly implemented, this system will guarantee
higher turnout rates, better-informed attendees and significantly
reduced administrative costs.
- "attach" a different final confirmation email for each of your
events, or reuse a similar email for the same event types while
utilizing email merge tags to automatically insert event-specific
details into the outgoing emails
- use the Automated Event Email "Drip" System in combination with this system to produce the best results with the least administrative effort
- save valuable time and money by concentrating your phone
contact efforts only on those customers who have not yet received
the final confirmation email
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- Post-Event Sales Reports -
Systems to Increase Sales &
Systems to Decrease Costs
- Once all your at-event sales have been data-entered, and at any time in the future, you can pull up event sales reports that will break down the amounts of money collected, amounts still outstanding, and a summary of all the products and courses and offers purchased by your customers at a specific live event.
- generate sales reports for individual events or for all sales during a given period of time
- use order form "source" to generate reports for a given period of time for Internet or Phone sales
- reports breakdown sales by offers sold, individual items sold, and the
money collected and amounts still outstanding
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- Attendee Notes, Transfers & Status Tracking -
Systems to Decrease Costs
- Every registrant in our system is tracked with an "Attendance Record" that
permanently stores all relevant information enabling you to perform forensic
investigations of your attendees in case of payment or registrant controversies.
Further, use attendee states, such as "Tentative" to more effectively
communicate about registrants throughout your organization.
- use "Active" and "Active-Confirmed" states to determine
which attendees have received your "final confirmation email" and
which have not
- apply "Graduated" or "No Show" states following events to permanently track those who completed your courses and those who did not while ensuring all the financial tracking of revenue is performed
- transfer attendance records from one scheduled event date to another with a simple form submission and record transfer reason in a permanent history
- use the attendee notes to ensure your at-event staff are informed about relevant issues for any of your attendees
- reassign attendance records to different people with a simple form submission
- use our "Course Credit" feature to keep track of people who can't actually be registered for a specific event date, but still have the right to take some future upcoming event
- review complete attendee history including details about when changes occurred, which changes occurred, and which administrator performed the change
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- Volunteer Management Tools -
Systems to Decrease Costs
- If your organization uses volunteers to help staff live events,
you can use our Volunteer Attendee States to keep permanent records of
your volunteers while also simplifying the organization of and communication
to this special group of people prior to and after your events.
- track volunteers using the same system for tracking attendees so that
all reports, lists, and attendee support systems can be used to find
and manage volunteers
- four Volunteer Attendee "Statuses" allow you to manage those
volunteering for
upcoming events, those who volunteered at past events and those
who cancelled or no-showed
- pull reports of past volunteers from specific event types and use No Show
and Cancelled states to filter for your best performers
- if your volunteers pay for partial tuition, meals and/or accommodations
at your events, all revenue and sales are managed as they would
be for any attendee
- use the attendee notes field to record post-event performance ratings
for later use when gathering lists of volunteers for future events
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Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems
Our CRM systems will help you provide better
customer service, up-sell products more effectively, make call centers more
efficient, and permanently track customer communications. Search
for, create new, and modify the records of your prospects, customers and
leads. You can then easily access all the critical information about
their relationship to you, such as their full purchase and payment
their attendance history and list of upcoming courses, plus the history
of conversations and issues you have recorded about them. By having
your entire event management admin systems and your CRM in a single software
package, you'll save administrative costs and increase sales.
For instance, the Customer Communications History & Issue Tracking tools,
called the 1-Call System, can be used to track incoming customer issues from
start to finish, but can also be used to schedule follow up calls for your
sales team.
- Customer Contact Information Database -
Systems to Decrease Costs
- Use our "people" pages to track everything from basic contact
information and demographics to complete purchase, attendance, and payment
- create, import or signup an unlimited number of people in your contact information database
- tag records in your database as duplicates of the same actual person
- manage email subscription status and use our Unsubscribe and Email Bounced status notices to ensure the highest communication standards with your customers
- review email sent history for any emails sent from your installation and resend emails with a single click
- assign special "Roles" as appropriate to your staff to provide or remove access to the various administrative scripts, reports and systems
- customer specific report pages for each customer will show you what a
customer has ordered, what you've shipped to them, and what payments they've
made toward which orders
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- Customer Communications History & Issue Tracking -
Systems to Decrease Costs
- Use our "1-Call" system
to ensure every customer communication is logged and all issues are
tracked, starting with the person who takes the customer
call to the final person who resolves the issue and reports
back to your patrons. (The client issue tracking system
is called the "1-Call" system because it's creation was intended
to ensure customers only need to place "one call" to
have any issue resolved.)
- create permanent communications history records for any issues you want
to keep track of for any customer in your database
- create an unlimited number of 1-Calls for each customer... ...every 1-Call
functions like a conversation "thread" which can be updated or
added to at any point
- each 1-Call has both an "Owner" and "Assignee" so that all customer issues can be delegated to appropriate administrators while an Owner remains accountable to the customer
- "Active" and "Resolved" states in combination with
the "Must Resolve By Dates" automatically generates a To
Do List on the "My 1-Calls" page for each of your administrators
- send email directly from the 1-Call system and retain
a record of what was written, by whom and on what date. A 1-Call "Email
Merge Tag" allows a reference number to be included in the email
to customers to help orient your phone staff to the specific issue
- notification of 1-Calls appear strategically on various administrative pages so your staff can be made aware of issues for customers at the moment the information is most relevant
- the 1-Call system is tied into the Accounts Receivable System so that
all contact with a customer regarding money owed is permanently logged
- the "My 1-Calls" page provides a full view of each administrator's currently
active 1-Calls, providing a manager with an overview so they can
intercede as needed
- 1-Call breakdown report shows the number of issues each administrator currently has allowing for better distribution of issues in the event of bottlenecks, staff illness, or staff turn-over
- use 1-Call system as an intra-office delegation tool. For instance, a marketing manager can create 1-Calls for other staff to perform sales calls and can schedule the action so it will show up as a priority as the deadline approaches.
- import past call-logs or any other form of text based data you need to migrate from your existing database in order to preserve "conversations" you've had with your customers in the past
- use the import 1-Calls tool to create a mass of 1-Calls for any purpose such as delegating sales calls or recording significant notes for a specific group of people
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- Order Form Management System -
Systems to Decrease Costs
- Create and modify your customers' order forms and take real-time credit card gateway payments, record scheduled credit card payments, take cash, and process check payments. Keep complete and permanent purchase histories for all your customers so you can serve your customers more effectively and up-sell more successfully when making new offers to them.
- create unlimited order forms for a customer in any currency and with state,
provincial and federal taxes as appropriate
- see all orders for a customer at a glance
- when creating order forms to record sales that took place at specific
live events, the system will automatically choose the correct currency and
taxes from the related "Venue," reducing time and eliminating
administrative errors
- use the Order Form "Duplicator" to significantly reduce order form data
entry times
- "Order Form Payment States" tell you at a glance whether money
is due, whether the order has scheduled payments, and if all payments
are up to date, or whether the order is paid in full
- your administrators can process real-time credit card payments once
your merchant accounts and payment gateway are enabled
- live payment gateway refunds can also be performed as needed with the
click of a button
- if you accept payment plans from your customers, you can record scheduled credit card or scheduled check payments to properly account for your orders
- when scheduled payments are used on orders, our system uses "intelligent
money allocation" logic to ensure money collected is associated
with goods and services already provided before those for events
taking place in the future
- create order form related communication tracking so that customer care
issues for a specific order can be permanently referenced
- order tracking for each individual "Sold Item" (anything you sell for money using an order form) ensures complete forensic accountability for all deferred and earned revenue
- if your organization offers Gift Certificates as part of your marketing & sales strategy, you can apply your gift certificates to orders like payments
- our order form handling system is extremely powerful and allows you to
make changes at any point after order creation while retaining permanent
record of all changes. This
flexibility is essential for event management companies selling services
to be delivered in the future since so much can change for your customers
between the time they place an order and the time they take the event.
- full payment history displayed on each order form page including failed credit card payment records
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- Customer Attendance Tracking -
Systems to Increase Sales &
Systems to Decrease Costs
- Associated with each customer contact information page is a report dedicated to the customer's attendance history where your administrators can see at a glance all past, course credited, and upcoming attendance records.
- sections for past and upcoming attendance records are displayed separately
- if your organization will allow "Course Credit" attendance records, these will be displayed on this page along with a link so that you can schedule the credit for a specific event date
- attendance record history is summarized to show relevant information such as which event the record relates to, what system Offer it relates to and what the Attendee Status is so you can quickly determine if further administrative action is required
- send several kinds of attendee specific emails directly from Attendance page with a single click
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- Customer Critical Alert Notification -
Systems to Decrease Costs
- Some types of information about a customer will be true for that customer always, and needs to be communicated to your staff who actually manage the live events. For instance, if a customer has a medical condition, such as a wheelchair, you can record this in the Critical Alert form to ensure your customers' needs are known throughout your organization.
- critical alert information can be stored for each customer
- when a critical alert exists, the contact information page will display an alert for administrators who may be dealing with the customer at that moment allowing them to determine if the information is relevant to their current administrative action
- critical alert information appears on the "Reg Lists" for at-event staff
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- List Creation & Management Tools -
Systems to Decrease Costs
- Easily generate and manipulate "Lists" of people in your system for a variety of business purposes, such as call-back lists, graduates lists, and broadcast email lists etc.
- create or modify existing lists easily from many of the report pages using a simple and ubiquitous list manipulation tool
- send email using the broadcast system to all the people with email on a list
- create lists for use with the signup form system so that anyone completing
a specific signup form will be automatically added to that list, i.e. a
monthly newsletter list
- export lists of people in CSV form for generating name tags, mailing labels, or for any kind of mail merge action
- lists can be owned or shared by your administrators so that a group of people can contribute to or modify a list, or a list can be made private by taking ownership as needed by your business procedures
- autoresponder sequences can be attached to lists so that anyone added to the list will begin automatically getting the sequence of emails
- use expiry dates with lists when generating lists for temporary purposes to ensure your list system does not become cluttered and unmanageable
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- Data Migration & Import Tools -
Systems to Decrease Costs
- If you already have a great deal of customer and event related information
in your present database, use our import data scripts to migrate data into your Signup Systems database quickly using simple spreadsheets. Further, these same data import tools can be used to creatively eliminate costly arising from slower data entry efforts.
- import customer contact information, events records, past attendance records, and even "call-log" or other text records into our issue tracking system.
- spreadsheet templates provided for easy importation
- import history records indicates the percentage of imports performed successfully and an export report provides details of import failures so further imports can be performed with greater success
- contact information import can either update or ignore existing records allowing migration to take place over an extended period if necessary
- import tools can be used to migrate existing data from your current system or can be used to create new record quickly rather than using less efficient data entry processes
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Product & Offer Handling Systems
Anything that generates revenue for you, whether a course, a book, coaching, or even a cancellation fee can be represented in our Products database and you can create an unlimited number of goods, services & fees. Once your products are created, use the Offer system to package them together in powerful and compelling ways to increase sales and set your company apart from your competition.
For example, you might create an offer which includes tuition for four
of your courses for the price of three and includes free books, CDs or DVDs
as further enticement to purchase. And then when a customer purchases the
first offer, you can up-sell a second offer which includes tuition for a
family member or guest at further discounts. Here's
the secret for creating compelling offers: when the price of an
offer is obviously and greatly exceeded by the value of the items in the
offer, it becomes extremely difficult not to purchase, especially when the
buyer was already seriously considering purchasing one or more of the included
items at regular price.
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- Unlimited "Products" Database -
Systems to Increase Sales
- Naturally, our database allows you to track and sell "products" called events,
but it can also be used to track and sell physical products such as books, CDs & DVDs. You can even
create items in your database to collect service charges such
as course transfer fees or meals & accommodations surcharges.
- create an unlimited number of "products" in your database representing your goods, services & fees
- each "product" is identified with a unique ID number referred to as a "Stock Keeping Unit" or SKU which can have its own unique name, description, pricing structure, tax exemption status, and shipping rates
- create SKUs as one of three general types: events, memberships or products. Products can be used for all physical goods or non-event services or fees
- store an HTML description with each SKU for use with your public shopping cart
- create categories to further define your SKU types for administrative and marketing purposes. For instance, you can create event categories to indicate whether your events are "workshops", "camps", "seminars" or "Introductions".
- establish category level, or individual SKU level tax exemptions as needed
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- Membership Management Tools -
Systems to Increase Sales &
Systems to Decrease Costs
- If you presently offer or are considering offering monthly memberships, we have systems to support some models of membership programs which are an excellent way to generate ongoing monthly or annual revenues.
- create memberships automatically upon graduation from your courses
- sell memberships and create scheduled payments to generate monthly income
- use members' only private web pages tied into membership payment status to grant or restrict access
- send emails automatically from the membership system each month as part of your program
- create membership programs which charge a single flat fee, monthly fees, quarterly or yearly
- membership status shows up on your Reg Lists so that members of your programs will be known to you when attending live events so you can provide VIP services or better predict membership sales
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- Offer Creation & Management System -
Systems to Increase Sales &
Systems to Decrease Costs
- Our "Offer" system allows you to group one or more of the goods & services you sell into a special package which you can then sell at a single price. Companies using offer packaging strategies invariably outsell their competition who's appeal to the public often appears one dimensional. With our offer system you can create incredibly compelling packages to appeal to customers who want to get the most from their money and don't mind spending more than they set out to, so long as they can see they are getting outstanding value.
One of the most successful trainers in the world and a New York
Times best selling author once confided: "People don't
buy products, they buy packages." (Get the free report to find the who said this.)
- create special packages, called "Offers", that can include several product SKUs together offered at a single price
- create offers which contain both courses and products and establish internal pricing for each item in your offer while only showing your customer the single overall offer price
- create offers which allow customers to choose between two OR more items in the offer. For example an offer could contain Item 1 & Item 2, and a choice of either Item 3 OR Item 4. Combining AND and OR options in offers allows you incredible packaging control to increase the appeal of your offers, while simultaneously reducing the administrative costs of managing such complex packaging structures.
- store HTML with each offer for selling on your public website
- set passwords for your offers so they can be sold using coupons or gift certificates
- use offer expiry dates so that "take-away" marketing techniques can be used to increase urgency and sales
- use special designations called offer "types" and "features" to create on-the-fly purchasing benefits for customers such as "premium seating" at your events, or "meals included" to increase sales
- associate offers with the specific events you presented them at for tracking and administrative purposes
- attach lists to offers so that anyone purchasing the offer will be added to the list and if it is associated with an autoresponder, the customer will begin getting the sequence of emails
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- Product & Offer Enabled Shopping Cart -
Systems to Increase Sales &
Systems to Decrease Costs
- While the majority of your sales may take place at your live events and be data-entered by an administrator afterwards, Signup Systems also comes enabled with a fully functional shopping cart and payment processing system so you can sell all of your events, products and offers on the Internet.
- enable "shopping carts" for any domain name you own and wish to sell from while still populating a single database
- use your event calendars to sell seats directly into specific events online
- allow customers to add "course credits" SKUs to their shopping carts and then schedule themselves into specific events upon checkout
- sell elaborate offers online that can include several different course types, physical products, and "either or" choices and upon checkout the customer will breakout the offers using a simple "checkout wizard".
- international companies can actually use multiple different payment gateways to collect payments in different currencies all within a single Signup Systems installation and all populating a single unified database
- use a single line of code to place events, products and offers onto your web pages giving you complete control over the structure and layout of your online catalog
- use "Add-Ons" so that if one item is purchased using the shopping cart, a second item is presented as a "must" purchase. For instance, purchasing a seat at one of your events could trigger an Add-On requiring the customer to also pay for meals and accommodations.
- use "Up Sells" as a way to make purchasing recommendations to a customer when an item they add to their cart triggers the system to up-sell another item or offer of your choice.
- built in logic allows you to offer a course for free while also requesting a credit card as part of an agreement that could require the customer to actually attend the free event or pay a "No Show Agreement" penalty. As long as your at-event "back end sales" are sufficiently high enough, offering your introductory programs for free but with a No Show Agreement can be an incredible tool for filling your rooms and increasing your sales volumes dramatically!
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- Product & Offer Sales Reports -
Systems to Increase Sales
- There are a number of reports that can be run for finding sales of products and offers that you can use to refine or expand your marketing.
- pull reports to summarize the number of orders and total sales from individual or groups of SKUs
- pull reports on the sales of specific offers or groups of offers
- limit reports to specific periods of time, order form payment states and/or order form sources
- export reports for further analysis in spreadsheet format
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- Product Sales Shipping Tools -
Systems to Decrease Costs
- You may have already discovered the benefits of recording your live events and providing those in CD & DVD packages both as free add-ons or for sale in offers designed to increase event sales. If your organization sells any king of shippable goods, Signup Systems can manage this for you. Regardless of where your sales of physical products take place, at live events or on the Internet, if you need to ship them to your customers, you will find our product sales shipping tools to be both simple and efficient.
- use the shipping report page to find all order forms containing items "To Be Shipped"
- the shipping report is sorted by order form age so the oldest orders are given priority for shipping
- automatically send emails to your customers with shipping tracking number and shipping company website address to reduce customer service calls
- "premium shipping" logic exists which you can use at your discretion to allow some orders to be prioritized in the shipping cue
- ability to mark products as "On Backorder" for later shipping
- details of which items are shipped, when, what tracking number, and with which shipping company are all recorded permanently to support customer enquiries
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Finance & Accounting Support Systems
Nowhere is the difference between standard commerce and event management commerce more significant than in the area of finance. Your company may have to deal with the complexities of scheduled payment plans using credit cards and checks, and the money that is paid for your courses most likely doesn't become revenue until the day the course is complete. Because payment for tuition is often made far in advance of the event taking place your ability to account for such things as taxes, referral or sales commissions, and even attendance transfers is anything but simple. Fortunately, most of these complex issues are fully resolved in Signup Systems providing you better business intelligence for decision making and reduced administrative costs.
For instance, we track the fulfillment status of everything you sell so that only when you actually deliver a good or service do we recognize the money paid for that as revenue and we simultaneously break out the tax. Reports can be run and exported as spreadsheets which include detailed itemizations of each transaction so that your bookkeeping can be performed in as little or as much detail as you'd like. Finally, we even account for revenue reversals when goods or services are refunded or returned by the customer after previously being recognized as revenue.
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- Real-Time Payment Gateway Processing -
Systems to Increase Sales &
Systems to Decrease Costs
- Use your existing ecommerce merchant accounts and payment gateway with Signup Systems payment gateway processing systems to collect money in real-time from your customers. If you don't yet have ecommerce merchant accounts, we can help you using one of our partners who is happy to deal with speaking and training companies (an industry you may already have discovered tends to have difficulty getting accounts with typical merchant account providers).
- take credit card payments from your public shopping cart
- run credit card payments in real-time when data entering orders taken at your live events
- all payments and even declines are recorded to assist your administrators in auditing your sales and handling accounts receivable issues
- record previously taken payments in a non-capture mode so that you can migrate your existing business into Signup Systems
- credit card number verification logic reduces administrative errors and increase successful processing efforts
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- Scheduled Credit Card Payment Automation -
Systems to Increase Sales &
Systems to Decrease Costs
- In order to close more sales you may need to allow your customers to establish payment plans. Fortunately, Signup Systems was designed to easily handle this otherwise complex task. Create an unlimited number of scheduled payments in the system associated with one or more different credit cards and all your payments will be processed automatically while you sleep on the scheduled date.
- schedule unlimited payments with an easy to use interface that allows you to spread payments out evenly or spread them out in any way your customer may prefer and even allows you to use a different credit card for each payment if necessary
- payments are run by your Signup Systems installation starting in the early hours of each new day automatically so that by the time your administrators arrive every morning all your payments will be processed
- pull reports at any time to find all credit card payments run in any given period of time whether they were scheduled payments or executed in real-time
- failed payments result in order forms appearing on your accounts receivable pages so you can immediately begin contacting customers to recover missing payments
- all scheduled payments are displayed on order form pages for easy customer support
- scheduled credit card payment reporting pages summarize amounts to be charged and also breaks down payments into individual payments so they can be preprocessed with a button click if necessary
- extremely robust system capable of processing tens of thousands of credit card payments automatically every day
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- Scheduled Check Handling System -
Systems to Increase Sales &
Systems to Decrease Costs
- While taking scheduled credit card payments is fairly common for event management companies, many either choose not to accept scheduled check payment plans or do allow them and spend an unreasonable amount of time handling and accounting for these checks. Signup Systems provides a very elegant solution for handling scheduled checks which makes it possible and even easy to manage this payment method allowing your company to accept scheduled checks if you don't presently, and significantly reducing the administrative costs of handling check payments if you do.
- record unlimited scheduled check payments in the system to completely reflect the checks you have whether spread out evenly or sporadically
- record check details such as the name on the check, the check number and any relevant notes
- easily put checks "on hold" upon customer request so they are processed on a different date than their actual check date
- support to properly track cancelled orders with scheduled checks exists so checks can be voided, destroyed or returned to customer as appropriate and full accountability is maintained
- all scheduled payments are displayed on order form pages for easy customer support
- check payments applied toward order forms automatically on scheduled date and then reported so that appropriate checks can be deposited
- unique scheduled check ID number can be stamped or written on back of checks to make later retrieval for deposit trivial
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- Multiple Currency & Tax Management Solutions -
Systems to Decrease Costs
- If your business is international in scope now or plans to be in the future, Signup Systems will allow you to grow your business into new countries so that as you expand you can continue to use a single installation and single database to bring all your international business together administratively. US and Canadian currencies are available by default, but you can create any currency you want in the system and add the appropriate federal and local taxes to ensure your sales are properly accounted for in each tax jurisdiction.
- Canadian and US currencies built in to system by default, but you can easily add any other world currency to account for your sales
- create federal or local (state/provincial or even county/municipal) taxes as needed
- allow a tax to be applied on your public shopping carts or restrict the tax to only being applied administratively
- system logic automatically tracks revenue and tax and exports reports in spreadsheet format so you can account for taxes payable with any bookkeeping solution you use
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- Accounts Receivable (A/R) Management System -
Systems to Decrease Costs
- Collecting payments on courses you've already delivered, or ensuring attendees of upcoming events have paid in full before attending can be an extremely complicated and frustrating process. Fortunately, Signup Systems provides tools to not only bring the accounts receivable issue to your attention, but also to track your communications efforts with the customer to the point at which you either successfully collect payment or are forced by uncooperative customers to declare the account "Uncollectible". Our A/R system turns this essential business task into a highly efficient solution which will ultimately both save you money and help you capture more revenue.
- use separate A/R system report for physical products, membership & courses to ensure the most appropriate communications and methods are used to when collecting money owed
- our system allows you to alternatively send emails and make phone calls to customers who have outstanding payments until after a preset number of collection attempts you can designate the order as "Uncollectible"
- full integration with our customer communications tracking solution so that a full history of your efforts to collect can be permanently recorded
- create emails to reflect the escalating urgency of each progressive communication attempt that can be sent automatically from the A/R system. Use special email merge tags so that the customer can be made aware of the issue's details such as the amount owing, the order form associated with the issue, and the reference number they should note when contacting your company to make payment.
- each A/R issue has a different administrative "owner" so that when multiple staff are performing collections actions, they can avoid cross-talk that might otherwise confuse or anger your customers
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- End-to-End Revenue Accounting -
Systems to Decrease Costs
- Because your company most likely doesn't generate "revenue" at the same moment that you complete a sale, Signup Systems has designed automated solutions for tracking money collected by the system as payments from the point at which the money is received and held on deposit as "deferred revenue", to the point at which it becomes "earned revenue" when your attendees complete your courses. Anything can happen between the time the customer places the order and actually attends and if you don't separate your deferred revenue from your earned revenue your company can be operating in the red without knowing it or paying tax on refunded sales.
- payments made into the system are automatically accounted for using "On Deposit" accounts which can be compared at any time to your bookkeeping records
- revenue "recognition" performed automatically as you "graduate" attendees after your live events
- taxes collected for sales are also broken out when revenue earned so that tax only needs to be paid at the time it's due and not before
- full reporting for all possible streams of revenue recognition is available for your bookkeeping needs
- automated revenue reversals performed when items are returned or graduated attendees are refunded including reversal of taxes paid out so that when bookkeeping, these reversals can be recovered
- full transaction level accounting performed and available so that a forensic audit of your accounts can be performed by your organization
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- Payment & Revenue Reports -
Systems to Decrease Costs
- Payments and revenue are handled as two separate but related systems to most accurately reflect the realities of most event management businesses which often take payments well in advance of the courses being sold. To ensure your business has all the essential information needed for business intelligence and accounting purposes, we supply reports for both payments and revenue recognition.
- payment and revenue reports can be pulled for any given period of time and exported in a spreadsheet format for analysis and accounting purposes
- revenue reports can be exported for all revenue related transactions during any given period of time
- generate reports separately for revenue earned from physical products & fees, membership fees, or tuition from completed courses
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- Payment Reconciliation Tools -
Systems to Decrease Costs
- Whether you accept cash, check or credit card payments, you'll want to be able to fully reconcile these payments against your actual bank accounts to ensure that administrative errors are kept to a minimum and to eliminate the possibility of fraudulent payments being created in an effort to pay for tuition without using actual money. Using the payment reconciliation tools you can ensure that all the "money" tracked in your database actually represents real money you've received.
- internal "merchant account" system allows each individual possible payment type to be uniquely reconciled by you. For instance, US Cash is one payment type (merchant account) that is different from a Canadian Visa payment type
- an auto-reconcile tool exists which allows you to import a spreadsheet from your payment gateway to instantly reconcile all your payments processed through that gateway saving your accounting staff endless hours of reconciling payments individually
- create reconcile records for groups of payments all at once and later merge those reconcile records together