Event Management Resources

The links on this page belong to a special selection of companies that provide event management support services, such as event marketing or advanced speaker training. They also represent company's or customers of Signup Systems which supply such exemplary services to support event management businesses, we are convinced that your business will grow dramatically as a result of using their services. Naturally, if you are a customer of ours, we strongly urge you to investigate these companies' offerings because it will enhance the success of our relationship. However, even if you choose not to use Signup Systems, we hope you will investigate the organizations below—you will fill your events more easily with more qualified people, your programs will improve dramatically, and you'll discover techniques to make offers from the stage which will explode your sales and catapult your business to unimagined heights. This is not hyperbole. This is an everyday occurrences of the organizations using these companies.

Magnetic Event Marketing

How would you like it if your marketing was so powerful that customers were literally drawn toward you with by a force like magnetism? The company called Leader To Luminary is a living example of this force in action and teaches companies how to use easily implemented principles specifically designed for speaking, training and seminar businesses, with a special focus on event management companies in the personal development industry. But not only do they teach people how to "magnetize" an audience to fill their rooms, they teach them how to "mesmerize" their audience from stage, and then how to "monetize" their relationships to audiences. A recent success they had with one of their clients resulted in a sales volume increase of over 700% percent at a single event! And what's really remarkable, these guys provide a great deal of their information for free on their Magnetize Your Audience website.

Have You Got a Millionaire Mind?

Signup Systems software was original developed for use by Peak Potentials Training, one of the fastest growing and most successful personal development companies in North America since 2001. The president and principle architect of their incredible programs, T. Harv Eker, is also a New York Times best selling author and internationally renowned public speaker. If you are interested in seeing the state of the art in event management delivery from incredible program design to event support staff organization, you must attend a Millionaire Mind Intensive workshop. Even if you consider attending purely as research to see how their events are run, you'll be blown away.

Train The Trainer

They also offer a very specialized program called Train The Trainer which is designed specifically to show speakers and trainers the exact formula Peak Potentials has used over the years to become a multi-million dollar personal development company. They'll provide insight into the science of effective program development and how to create powerful and compelling on stage sales offers that routinely result in sales upwards of 25% of people in attendance purchasing back end programs at their events. Learn more about Peak Potentials Training.